Weeding for the Soul

Last week’s wisdom was about physical de-cluttering. This week I want to talk about weeding out the inner to manifest exactly what you want in the physical to bring peace to the soul. What got me thinking about all this was the mess I allowed my poor gardens to get into this year. There were a number of reasons for this, but most of all the deep love I used to have for gardening and the energy required for creating wonderful flower spaces left me after my daughter died. I found I no longer had the time or energy it takes to keep the enormous gardens I had earlier planted looking their best. As a result, this year, feeling desperate with a desire to get the gardens back into shape, I do what I always do. I asked the angels for help. As always they answered and helped me manifest a gardener into my life (not easy to do where I live by the way)!

The relief I felt at finding help was enormous. This feeling was intensified as I began to see the foot high weeds coming out and shrubs and plants being thinned to once again allow for beautiful spaces to be created in the gardens. While I helped out every step of the way, toiling for hours alongside the hired gardener, I felt a great sense of satisfaction and peace come over me as I realized I could now look at the beds once again without cringing in guilt at having let them go (I sensed the flowers’ suffering)!

A couple of days ago I pulled into the driveway, having forgotten briefly that the gardens had recently been weeded, thinned and mulched. I stepped out of my car and for an instant was shocked at thinking I no longer had to turn my head the other way as I stepped past undesirable areas. I could actually stop to enjoy the beauty of whatever I was looking at wherever I turned. This brought enormous relief to me. It also got me thinking that weeding a garden is similar to weeding the inner to free the soul. Just like weeding a garden prevents nuisance growth from choking out the flowers and preventing them from standing separately to grace us with their beauty, the same is true for us. We need to weed the tangles from our thoughts and beliefs that hold us to limitation that keeps us from being the individuals we were meant to be.

Weeding for the soul requires that we regularly keep an eye out for all negative and self-limiting thoughts that produce feelings in us that prevent us from reaching our full potential. We must thin out the inner garden by replacing all weedy beliefs as quickly as possible with those that are opposite and always more truthful when loving and positive. We must regularly mulch within to prevent harmful thoughts and beliefs from returning by using positive affirmations and surrounding ourselves with loving and positive resources (people, books, media, music etc.). Finally, we must remember to reap the rewards of the inner beauty we have created by practicing daily what we learn, which brings a glow to the exterior and teaches us about service. While we don’t have to shine our brightest every moment of every day, regular maintenance of the inner world keeps us on track and capable of pulling ourselves more quickly out of the doldrums. It helps us transition through difficulties effectively and manifest everything we want that we can clearly envision (it’s easier to spot tiny weeds where bigger ones earlier flourished in a cleanly weeded bed). As they say, a problem seen is a problem solved. 

Happy weeding!

My heart to yours,


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