Two Places, One Body

Have you ever felt your mind is in one place but your body in another? I’m not talking about daydreaming. I’m referring to that sense we develop when we can really feel our energy in a totally different location as part of the next chapter of our life. This begins to occur the more efficient we become at manifesting situations into our life; not just things, and especially when we are in sync with the greater design of our incarnation.

What I’m coming to believe more and more is that life is a series of chapters. Some are more intense than others, but in reviewing our life in episodes we can clearly see the story unfold. Previously, I was averse to describing my life as a “story” (ironic for a writer). Often, when I was going through struggles, my closest confidantes would remind me it was “my story” unfolding and that I could choose any outcome because I was the one crafting it. Intellectually, I understood the analogy to life as a story, but I never really felt it completely. Everything mostly felt like one endless struggle in the more challenging times.

It has only been in changing the way I have begun to review my life, pondering why I came here and have chosen my experiences, that I have been able to see my life in segments. This has helped me accept and release all chapters of my life that are now complete. In pondering past chapters, I also understand that in manifesting the future (when we become proficient at manifesting and know where we want to go), our energy can precede us to this next phase. When this happens, it feels as though we really are in two places at the same time. This displacement of energy can leave us feeling unsettled and even disoriented. To manage the effects that may surface as impatience, frustration, confusion, excessive longing and so on, it is necessary to relax into the present and allow the current chapter to play out before the next one can begin. In this way life is very much like a story, where each life chapter builds on our previous experiences. Everything is connected and begins to make sense upon review.

Thinking of your life as a story will help you remember that you have the power to shape your life into whatever you want it to be (themes include romance, drama, comedy, satire, adventure) with as many or few additional characters as you want included. Just as a writer needs an outline for their story to be written, we too must have a vision for each of our life chapters before we can begin to add the details.

My heart to yours,


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