
We’ve all heard that success must be defined by each individual. What success means to you may be different than what it means to me. Many people believe that the true level of success is reflected by what they do and own. Western culture has come to adopt this view. I used to think that way too, in part, but more by what I was or wasn’t doing in my life.

After I lost my daughter in 2005, I rapidly changed my view of success. Success meant being able to get out of bed in the morning, care for my son and my little four legged angels that depended on me. It meant trying to love my family through thick and thin and remaining committed to forge ahead in this life, no matter what. As I slowly gained a foothold on the shaky ground below me, I gained strength, courage and wisdom. My vision of success grew on a personal level, but never once have I waivered from understanding that life is fragile, uncertain and we are all vulnerable.

I have now come to define success as the resilience we develop over time through many of our life experiences, some tougher than others. It is the choice we make and the courage we find to explore within and tap into our real power over the long haul, to contribute to positive change in this world, one individual at a time. It is the care and spiritual nurturing we share with and learn from others. It is the hope we can see and the opportunities we find that sustain us in our greater vision. It is the unity we feel with one another, even when others are unaware. It is the humility we acquire and graciousness we express in our acknowledgement of unseen greater power.

Wherever you are in the world and whatever you do in your life, I encourage you to remember to honour the inner and respect the outer in order to enjoy the greatest success with content.

My heart to yours,


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