Square Peg, Round Hole

Have you ever felt like a square peg in a round hole, so different from everyone else that nobody gets you? Faced with all of the challenges and courage it takes to be different, many people give up on their dreams and slip into the mainstream. There are countless thousands with hidden talents dispersed anonymously within the masses. In fact, I believe that every single one of us has a beautiful hidden talent to share with others. It’s just that many people don’t bother looking for that silent gem or give up when they do find it and the going gets tough.

I also believe that many of us are given opportunities to work with our talent(s) at various times in our life, sometimes at a young age. In my view, most people that slip into doing what they really love at a young age and stick with it, despite all the challenges that come along, as mature adults say they wouldn’t change a thing. They have lived their passion and have had fulfilling lives and are happy!

I recall in my early twenties being given the opportunity to write freelance for a Toronto health magazine (ironic looking back). I turned it down, at the time telling myself I wasn’t a writer. Who knows where that would have led me. A few years later I was given an entire novel in a dream, but I decided I’d get to it later (I was a new mom and had other things to do). I forgot every single thing I dreamed about and never did pursue writing fiction. Finally, I became (really I always was) a writer when I published the work I do now. There’s no looking back and I will most likely continue to write the rest of my days.

We go about pursuing our dreams differently, but the point is that they never really go away. What we wanted in our earlier years is a sure sign of what we’re meant to find somewhere along the life path. If you are struggling trying to find out how to live joyously and with happiness as a square peg, go back and think about what you really wanted as a youngster, teen or younger adult. Those dreams lay buried within and are waiting to be found. As they say, it’s never too late to start anything. Most importantly, it’s never too late to pursue a dream. No matter how silly or unlikely it seems that you could actually now become what you wanted in your earlier years, the fact is there is most likely a variation of that same dream that could work for you, even if the original plan seems too arduous to pursue now.

Be adventurous. Life really is never that satisfying when we depend on others to fill the vacancy left by all things not pursued.

My heart to yours,


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