
Have you ever thought about the kinds of service you bring to others? Not many of us realize the importance of our contributions to individuals, let alone the planet, unless we are regularly reminded of what we have done to help someone else (a blessed feeling to be sure). As we touch one, so do we touch another that effects bigger global change (sometimes massive). When you realize the potential you have to contribute towards the planet’s changing energy through your unique gifts and abilities (including spiritual), the more powerful you become. And while you may not think your talents are of mobilizing importance, be sure that they are. One comment, gesture, look or act of compassion can change or even save someone’s life, aside from the major teaching you may end up finding yourself doing.

Of equal importance and as an act of service to the Self, it is essential you apply your wonderful talents and abilities to your own life to contribute to your own continuing transformation. As you reach out and touch more and more people, it is important that you regularly use those same unique abilities and gifts to nurture the inner you. Similar to the cobbler who had no shoes for his own, it is essential to apply all knowledge and wisdom you gain over time to your own life in order to more effectively help others. It is in your personal transformation that you naturally influence others by the differences they see in you.

We are called into service in different ways; it is not something we have to willfully look for on a daily basis. Touching a stranger’s heart through a smile, letting someone go ahead of you in a lineup, opening the door for another, yielding to a driver when it would be simpler not to, passing along a heartfelt compliment (for most it’s easier not to), looking deeply into someone’s eyes when you’re talking with them so that they feel heard and valued, maintaining a quietly cheerful disposition at all times (too much cheer can be annoying to many), demonstrating inner calm through a balanced approach to daily living (people notice when you aren’t stressed), acknowledging the kindness and talents of others (most don’t see this in themselves), offering encouragement and support to others (many feel lost and without direction), sharing information, the list is endless. The more we train ourselves to react less and act more, the more blessed our life becomes.

I have had countless people thank me for my help. While this is a rewarding feeling and not unexpected given that I have chosen a career of service, at the same time I remind others that transformation must come from within and through their own action. As “light workers” we can only be the conduits to pass on information and shine as an example; to share golden wisdom that every individual must then recognize and seize for their own powerful transformation. While we don’t have to always be acting from a place of service, it becomes a given to do so when we choose the spiritual path. As part of the joyful act of service, it is important to remember you must also allow yourself to be the recipient of the goodness of others, which is just as rich an experience as what you give in service too!

My heart to yours,


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