Pursuing the Dream

As yet another year comes to a close, are you preparing to make resolutions for the new one? Have you parked your dreams on a shelf or are you excited about what next year may bring? Have you taken any steps yet, toward making something you think could be in your reach, materialize? Are you wobbling on the fence about what you want or do you know for certain? Are you prepared or preparing to go after your dream or are you still hoping others will bring it to you? Are you contemplating your own dream or satisfied acting as a player in someone else’s? Do you believe in you? Why? Do you believe you are worth what you want? These are some of the most important questions you can ask yourself when you set out to pursue your dream.

Dreams are made not only of “fluff” at first, but also tangible energy particles just waiting to be shaped into form. How awesome is that? I have met so many people that live being satisfied with what they have. They don’t make the changes they really want for their life because of looming obligations, lost focus or they no longer believe in themselves. While it is okay to put dreams on hold as other responsibilities take over for a time, it is NOT okay to live out the rest of your days feeling unfulfilled. At some point kids grow up and pursue their own lives. This is difficult for parents that live vicariously through their children. Relationships falter and don’t appear to be what they were. Ultimately, we are left with ourselves. Tending only to others and not yourself is sure to only partially fulfill the heart, and often in the end may not be enough.

If you’re completely satisfied with what you are doing and are happy and content, terrific! Keep going in the same way. For those people feeling unfulfilled or a little lost, remember that it’s never too late to start going after what you want. You don’t have to master your goals overnight. Baby steps will always get you to the next plateau.

Someone once told me that if you want to fish you have to be near water. Are you in the right environment to start pursuing your dream? To help answer this, decide what you feel passionate about and what moves you in life. What do you like doing? How would you love to spend your days? What are you good at? For example, if you currently work in retail and know you have fabulous management skills and really want your own store one day, that’s a dream worth pursuing. It’s not impossible. Never mind the economic reality for others. What is it for you?

Decades ago a man by the name of Wallace Wattles wrote a book called The Science of Getting Rich (available as a free e-book http://bit.ly/W9tNH4). Napolean Hill’s work was later compared to Mr. Wattles, so it may be in fact that Wattles was one of the first to make public the idea of creatively visualizing what we want. While the terms may seem cliché today, it really isn’t. Life is really that simple in terms of bringing home the wealth. We are the ones who complicate things.

If you’re not happy and don’t have a dream, you can always find one. If you don’t have the interest, don’t make yourself wrong for that, but consider that deep down we all wanted something from the moment we gazed at the clouds and drew pictures in our minds as children. In our innocence and vulnerability, we are the closest to discovering what we came to this planet to do. Some of the journey is painful to be sure, but never without purpose and a dream or two attached.

With a heart load full of holiday cheer and my heart to yours, Merry Christmas and best of the holiday season to you!


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