Options Plus!

Last week I wrote about options. This week I want to tell you a little story. When I wrote last week’s wisdom I was at a family member’s home caring for some of her needs while she recovered from surgery. If I had planned and plotted to take this sudden trip, I would have found a dozen reasons why it would not have been possible to go. However, because I went with my gut and followed my heart (dispensing with all the “what if’s”), doors opened without any difficulty. I got a last minute flight where I enjoyed a lively conversation with my seat mate all the way to my destination (joy), my help was greatly appreciated (service) and my relative’s health significantly improved during my stay (healing).

I did a lot of soul searching while I was away, thinking about options for my present and future, and returned home satisfied I was ready to move on in a hugely different way. Now, I have a great life as it is. Exploring options is not always about being dissatisfied. It is also about bringing our life into balance in a way we may not have previously thought possible. I am reminded of my son’s words that he is here to enjoy life’s pleasures and the finer things in life, not struggle.

As a result of laying out honestly what I need and want to change, this past week has been amazing. Options are presenting themselves through opportunities that I had not previously considered. It has been an exciting time imagining the different future I can manifest by simply choosing which option is going to be the best for me and my family long-term.

While today it is not yet clear if I could or even want to pursue all of the ideas kicking around in my head, the point is that the moment we open ourselves up to possibility, the possibilities present themselves. And while it is also true that sometimes we have to let go of some things in order to move on, sometimes we don’t. What we hang onto and what we let go of are simply more possibilities and options.

The universe and the Divine orchestrate on our behalf all of the time. I have written before about the space between all things, where nothing seems to be happening in the physical. Rest assured something is always happening behind the scenes. It only takes one phone call, e-mail or comment to get things moving, sometimes really quickly. There is always a surprise around every corner when we think about options and possibility.

If you are struggling with a decision right now or can’t see a future beyond what you are currently experiencing, think again about what you really want and the options that are available to you. Do a little research. That’s really all you need to kick start some major movement in your life. Stay alert to what you hear and be mindful of how everything is connected. Sometimes what you think is a message for someone else is really a message for you.

Your life requires that you dare to dream to claim what you want. You just have to make your dream realistic enough that you can trust it will all come about even better than you imagined, because it will.

My heart to yours,


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