
I have always been one to live my life taking chances and changing things up. Routine bores and frustrates me. As a result of choosing constant change for most of my adult life, I have always had to explore the options available to me in order to make decisions about what I want to experience next. I’ve never relied on one source of income or type of lifestyle to bring me the security that many people believe only exists through earning a steady pay check that will last them to retirement. And though this belief seems attractive and often the only reality at times (it’s an easy illusion to fall prey to), there are always options.

Despite the plenty of people I have met who feel trapped by routine and boredom and can’t wait to retire or win the lotto to really begin living, millions of people choose to work a dreary job and slog it out “until”, not having any concept of options. Sometimes the “until” is too late. The recent economy bust has perpetuated a widespread belief in our own limitation and powerlessness, creating a blanket of fear for the masses. By refusing to see options, we see only limitation.

I am reminded again and again of the options available to us all by the wonderful opportunities that come my way. I encourage others to contemplate this by reminding them that if they see someone else do it, they can too. I recall being in a restaurant last summer enjoying dinner with my family. The server, when I asked how she was, replied “stressed and worried” that she wouldn’t get into the university program she wanted because of the fierce competition. Her fear was based entirely on what she believed to be true about the low acceptance rate for applicants, causing her to doubt her ability to pursue her dream. I told her of a couple of successes I had enjoyed that most people believe are impossible to attain and left her hopefully, with a renewed vision for her life.

If as parents we apply the same logic, coaxing and support to our subconscious that we give to our children, life would be different for many. I have yet to meet a loving parent who could accept failure for their child. We encourage our children to pursue their dreams, never give up and never settle for what they don’t want. Yet, so many people succumb to the same sense of failure and settling over time, reaching the point where they don’t even know what they want anymore. There are always options if you are ready for change. True, it is our responsibility to develop the vision for what we want and take action towards making that vision materialize. But where there’s will, there’s a way.

Some of the signs that indicate change would serve you well are boredom, frustration, anxiety, stress, depression, inertia, withdrawal, indifference. When exploring your options, keep an open mind. Play with ideas that feel manageable and that you can envision materializing. Research your interests. Don’t listen to the negativity of others. Lose the fear. Trust that the Divine will bring you the resources you need. You don’t have to rush into anything, simply have fun and explore.

My heart to yours,


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