One Task, One Moment

I have come to realize of late that the more attention we put into one task, the easier it is to live in the moment. This is a golden rule when living as a spiritually enlightened being. Meditation and retreats are all about helping us savour and “be” entirely in one moment. Great in theory, but most of us would agree that it is very difficult and requires discipline to be mobile in a Zen state all of the time.

Of late, when I catch myself feeling frenzied and sometimes even panicked by too many tasks, I immediately stop and give myself permission to do one thing at a time. Although many of us are likely used to and good at multi-tasking (and this can still be done while living in the moment), it is essential to stop frequently to focus on one task at a time every single day to acquire the Zen feeling. Being conscious of a moment helps us become happier. It reduces stress and helps us relax into the day. It lifts the weight of responsibility from our shoulders and reminds us that all will get done in time (the sky is not going to fall). Focusing on a moment helps us get organized, cope with challenges effectively and aids our overall health, because how we function mentally, spiritually and emotionally triggers the physical into the existing state of “being”(well or unwell).

As I write this I am at a hotel, sitting on a lovely rooftop terrace. Usually when I am at this hotel I write in my room. Today, I ventured off to explore and am now relishing great views of the city in a peaceful and relaxed setting. I’m so glad I tried something different. Savouring this moment on a rooftop is helping me connect to the Divine through the joyful sound of children I can hear splashing in the nearby pool, the warmth of the sun and breeze I can feel against my skin, and the magnificent view of the lake beyond I am able to enjoy. The moment won’t last, but its memory will be enough to sustain me through the harried schedule about to kick in.

You can easily bring order to your day and a Zen state to your life anytime by organizing yourself into simple moments. While you may not be able to savour every one, by instantly recalling a feeling of joy, your body will respond, helping you feel refreshed and relaxed and functioning naturally at the much slower pace you were intended to enjoy. Cup of tea anyone?

My heart to yours,


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