Moving Past Your Comfort Zone

Okay, here it comes. You’ve been asked to do something you’ve really wanted to do, but now you don’t know if you’re really ready, if you can pull it off, if you really know what you’re talking about, if you have the ability to articulate what you do know, if you can excel at the job and truly demonstrate your abilities (and on and on).

I’ve talked previously about manifesting experiences into form (not only material goods) and the steps required to successfully create exactly what you want all of the time. I’ve also talked about what it feels like when things start to “fall into our lap” as it were. At first it can be a little surprising and fun. After a while and when you get really good at consistently manifesting the life you want, you will come to simply accept that another piece of good has fallen from the universe directly into your open arms, just as it should. Why wouldn’t it? You are after all, manifesting!

However, manifesting requires that we move past our comfort zone. As new experiences come into our life they require from us the willingness to expand our thinking and sometimes dig deep to connect to the abilities, strengths, knowledge and wisdom we are being asked to share with others in a myriad of ways. Whether this is committing to a new relationship, becoming a parent, taking on new job responsibilities, being promoted to a management or executive position, volunteering in a new field, delivering messages to the public (the list goes on); we are always being challenged to take next steps that feel scary, uncertain and even awkward to physically create the life we mentally envision.

Many of life’s experiences are about learning along the way, which means we don’t have to manage our experiences perfectly every single time (and especially not the first time we try something new). To make a difference we sometimes have to lead, not just follow. As such, we have to be willing to put ourselves out there unafraid, trusting that what we are about to do is meant to happen at the moment it physically manifests in our world.

I was recently interviewed about my book Divine Healing – Transforming Pain into Personal Power by local media in what was my first interview. I have accepted a second interview and invitation to speak publically about my work. My vision since I began writing my book was to do exactly what I am now starting to do. I was nervous initially to sit before cameras and an interviewer, but as it happened I felt I was right where I belong and saw myself doing this again and again. Whatever your vision is, hold onto it, but be flexible as you ride the wave that will take you exactly where you want to go as you get better and better at becoming the architect of the life you really want. Trust yourself.

My heart to yours,


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