Living Strategically - Intelligence vs Emotion

There is a shift in some corporations to incorporate emotional intelligence in the workplace. In my view, it is a huge and critical step when companies recognize how essential it is to connect to their employees on an emotional level to get better results. Emotional intelligence teaches corporate thinkers how to better understand and meet employee needs in the context of work/life balance in order to obtain the greatest degree of profitability. It changes the way companies do business, understanding that the happier the employee, the more profitable they can become (retention, work productivity and dollars). It means managers must be willing to acquire a certain level of sensitivity and not be afraid to show some emotion from time to time in order to connect to their staff. In other words, it’s about people acting like people rather than corporate machinery.

In the larger context, there is a pressing need for more work to be done that centers on emotional healing, which is the foundation of all of my work. Very few writers in the metaphysical or medical field are touching this topic. Perhaps it’s because we don’t really understand emotion in this culture and are terrified of what we’ll discover deep within. Whatever the reason, and while this isn’t a commentary on that subject (I discuss emotional well-being extensively in my book Divine Healing), I am also aware that sometimes we have to put emotions aside in order to make decisions. I’m not talking about decisions that are critical and must be made quickly as a result of a crisis. I’m talking about shaping our future in a way we hadn’t considered before, where a decision must be made strategically versus emotionally to achieve a desired outcome. This is not to say we cannot and should not always act from the heart, but rather, recognize that alongside what the heart is saying, strategy may have to come first to help us achieve a desired outcome faster and in a more logical way.

Because I am driven by emotion in everything I do and am very vocal in stating how important it is to always act from the heart, I am feeling somewhat challenged these days to put aside my emotions in order to make a pretty big decision for my future. Because it feels scary to decide strategically (probably similar to what someone may feel who is learning to decide emotionally) I am going slowly. I am not letting myself get into overwhelm at the thought of letting something go that still feels central and necessary to my life right now, even though the logical thing to do may be to let it go. I’m remembering that I don’t have to decide anything today, I am simply exploring all of my options. I remember that I can paint the colours of my life canvas any way I want and that the action I’m taking right now is simply adding to the brush strokes.

If you are facing something similar, here are a few tips that can assist you through the process of decision-making toward change:

1.Acknowledge all of your feelings. They count. It’s okay to feel afraid and uncertain.

2.Be willing to think differently (if only for a short time) to consider all possibilities.

3.Remember, you are not committing to anything, only exploring your options. You don’t know what’s out there until you investigate!

4.Hold onto the bigger vision of where you are headed to help you make your final decision thoughtfully and carefully. Don’t do anything if you feel a nudging within that tells you something isn’t right.

5.Don’t let go until you feel ready. If you feel panicked or anxious thinking about a timeframe in making a decision, you’re not ready. Ask the angels to help you let go of whatever needs to be released.

6.Decide strategically, but check in with your heart throughout your process of change. It will always guide you to make the right choice.

My heart to yours,


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