Facing the Truth

Recently I bought a new deck of angel cards. I love angel cards and periodically use them to do readings for myself. When you work with angel cards, you can be sure that no matter what card you pull, the information is always relevant to what’s really going on within the subconscious. Angel messages, no matter how they come to us, are gentle and accurate and when pondered sufficiently, guide us to take appropriate action with respect to the questions we ask.

All angelic wisdom, whether imparted through card readings, channeling, symbols, signs or dreams is based entirely on our willingness to face the truth about our lingering fears, worries, doubts, criticisms and whatever other negativity we are harboring within, if they are to be understood and fully appreciated. We must be able and ready to face the truth of what we are feeling and frightened of before we can transform ourselves accordingly. The new deck of cards I bought had wonderful messages that upon this first reading, I did not get. Instead, I pulled cards that incited me to think about those things I thought I had long ago dealt with, but obviously hadn’t.

While the doubts, fears, concerns and worries we may be asking the angels about in a reading seem specific to one area of our life, it is true that whatever we feel in one area translates equally to all others. Therefore, it is essential we clear up the subconscious in its entirety to bring balance to our life overall. The angels help us do this by not letting us get away with not facing the truth, especially when we ask questions about life areas we know require our attention.

Facing the truth about what we are feeling deep within is not easy. It almost always requires us to change something about what we are thinking or doing that is not in sync with our spiritual essence. This place of “non-truth “ is where the ego taunts and controls us, manipulating our senses to a degree that is not comfortable; tearing us away from our “truth”. The truth doesn’t have to feel threatening or unreachable. When we accept those intricacies about us that make us who we are (our foibles), it is much easier to forgive ourselves, which makes us more loving human beings. As loving human beings, our entire experience changes internally and externally. By the way, it’s perfectly acceptable to have foibles. Everyone does.

That old saying - the truth hurts is true. It can and sometimes does. But the truth is also very freeing. Ultimately, there is nothing so bad in our lives that should induce us to harbour pain, guilt, regret, sorrow, fear, anxiety and so on to the extent we become so unwilling to look more deeply within. Yet, this kind of negativity is precisely what keeps people from wanting to explore their inner world that takes effort, time and commitment. However, by not probing within we miss out on the whole point of the incarnation. While I’m not entirely sure that we must come back and repeat lessons over and over unless we want to, I do know that the one incarnation we do have conscious control over should not be wasted by spiritual idleness. Spirituality requires that we know ourselves in the most honest way possible to become the best that we can be. In this way and without a doubt, we have the greatest impact.

My heart to yours,


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