Earth Angels

Can you imagine what this world would feel like if we all thought of each other as earth angels? And in fact, knew that every one of us was here on earth to teach someone else about an eternal truth? If you just stop and think about this for a moment, explore how your vision of your personal world and the world at large would change.

We could empower each other; treat each other at all times with respect, kindness, love and wonder; encourage and support each other through every difficulty, challenge, fear, doubt and worry. In fact, we would all feel so empowered there wouldn’t be any negativity or feeling of isolation harboured within and around us. What a place this would be!

Lately, I have been contemplating why so many people with seemingly so much success (measured in terms of material wealth and fame) choose to leave this planet, caught up in drugs and other vices to soothe their heightened sense of inadequacy. It proves that wealth and fame do not bring the assuredness of success. Success can only be found within. I know how cliché this sounds, but it’s a message we seem to need to hear over and over again to get it through our heads. Why, on the one hand, do we as a society continue to berate ourselves for falling siege to materialism and physical beauty as a true definition of success, and at the same time bombard ourselves with symbols of external wealth, power, beauty and fame as the only bar to which we must aspire to truly have a sense of making it? We have an interesting culture indeed, and I wonder just how interesting we look to those who have departed the planet and look upon us now with curiosity, amusement and even a little sorrow for our follies.

Each one of us has a true gift within to act as angels on earth. Anyone can see the radiance within of one touched by the Divine, even if this can only be glimpsed briefly. Radiance shines through in those moments when we are truly in sync with our spiritual essence, despite how hard it is to stay on track and implicitly and always apply the laws of spirituality to our lives. A life defined by spiritual practice exudes the qualities of compassion and understanding; not competition, feelings of unworthiness, inequality or shame. True spiritual essence radiates love. I know this to be true from the visits I have enjoyed with my daughter on the other side. Spiritual energy reflects as purity, where there is zero questioning about right or wrong, good or bad, beautiful or ugly, fat or thin, dark or light. Existence is simply all that can be experienced as love.

When my daughter visits me, there is never an exchange of words; only the exchange of love and deep understanding for where we both are in our respective dimensions. Hers is completely unadorned, yet she glows and radiates as any spirit touched by the Divine. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we all radiated the same here on earth as the Divine in our own right? As we become enlightened, we have a duty to pass knowledge along so that we can all inwardly shine. Go, glow; pass it on.

Until next week. Follow me on Twitter for daily inspirations.

My heart to yours,


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