De-Cluttering Your Life

I am starting to clean out my house for my anticipated life change that will eventually involve a physical move. As I’ve said before, I’m not ready to go yet, but nevertheless I am starting to prepare by de-cluttering. We all need certain things at certain times in our life. There was a time that I needed a lot of everything. Now I don’t. It’s kind of fun picking through furniture and other treasures to see what I feel ready to release.

As I have begun to de-clutter and let things go, I am noticing how freeing this feels. There is no question that all of our items belong to memories and it can be difficult to sell or give things away. It’s almost as if the memories go with the items. At the same time, if we are fortunate enough to recognize the beginning of a new chapter in our life, its fun to bring in new items with which we can make new memories.

Inanimate objects carry energy just as animate substances do. If you’re attuned to energy, you can feel whatever an object contains, which is why you may either be drawn to or repelled by something in particular. When releasing something dear to you that has had particularly difficult memories associated with it, or when bringing a used item into your home that you sense still contains its former owner’s negative energy (if it’s antique it may carry many former owners’ energy), just as you would sweep your body clean with your inner vision using white and golden light, you can sweep clean all inanimate objects too. To do this, invoke Archangel Michael and ask him to cleanse the particular item of all former negativity while tapping the item 3 times (tapping is optional). To do a more extensive cleansing of your home, place a small amount of lime juice in a cup in every corner of your home and leave it in place for a week or until you feel the energy of the room has been cleared.

I have never been one to buy from garage sales, but I have donated many items over the years and sold a few. I have always released everything in love and with the desire to make someone else’s life comfortable and enjoyable, especially when releasing something I have loved dearly. We get back what we give out. As such, I have always been blessed to replace old items with wonderful new ones that serve me in even better ways than before.

I recall reading a few years ago that the more spiritually attuned we become the less need we have for material objects. I agree with this and am making every effort to create space around me that is de-cluttered yet super functional. It’s like external chakra clearing! I’m not fully there yet in creating this space in all rooms, but it’s important to understand that in releasing old items we have to be willing to give up the vision we had when initially acquiring the specific item (they all come with visions). I held onto a lot of “stuff” because of what I thought I may do in the future that I clearly am not doing (piano anyone?) or to pass items on to grandchildren that I clearly don’t have. I have learned that we let things go as we accept where we are!

If you need to de-clutter but don’t feel ready, ask yourself the following questions that may help you let go:

1.Do you still need the item and if so why?

2.Does this item fit into your future vision?

3.Could someone else use it right now in a more practical way than you?

Ready, set, release!

My heart to yours,


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