Connecting to the Spark Within

We all have ties and even addictions to negative patterns. They haunt us and flirt with us until we eventually break the cycle of negative behaviour by recognizing we have a problem and take responsibility for our actions.

Not only have I witnessed dear ones repeat harmful and self-destructing patterns that become very painful to watch; I have been there myself. With the help of the angels and sometimes a loving hand from a friend or family loved one, I have allowed myself to reach for the lesson within every painful experience and chosen to grow from it, rather than become trapped by an endless cycle of torment. Torment can include guilt, remorse, self-pity, fear, worry, insecurity, doubt, anger, judgement and so on. Despite the fact we may intellectually understand our negative patterns and recognize the harm we are repeatedly doing to ourselves as a result of toxic behaviours, without understanding where our problems stem from and the reason for our negative actions and reaction, we cannot free ourselves totally from a perpetual cycle of negativity.

Negative patterns serve one purpose; that is to recklessly toy with our true sense of Self, wherein lies our perfection and relationship to the Divine. When you feel challenged by negative patterns and desire to free yourself from a toxic cycle of pain, I encourage you to focus on the inner spark of light we all have that beckons us to respond to the call of Spirit. If you are in doubt as to whether or not we actually are beings of inner light, the work of Fritz-Albert Popp, a theoretical biophysicist at the University of Marburg in Germany proves otherwise. He conducted experiments that suggest light is contained within our DNA and is one way we communicate with each other and even heal. Fascinating stuff, but for our purpose here it is enough to remember from that which we are (light), lies the connection to our true Power (Spirit) and Creator. Through what may be only a DNA spark may very well stem our actual creation.

In the midst of tormenting yourself with feelings of ineptness through which most if not all negative behaviours arise, by remembering to honour yourself as a being and bearer of light, the greater will you shine. Remaining aware of who you are at your core and accepting this awareness as your “Truth” will bring you greater peace and the desire to become spiritually responsible. Taking responsibility for our choices and creations helps us understand that when we are knowledgeable, we are capable. There is no reason for us to continue with or return to harmful negative patterns.

My heart to yours,


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