Conflict and Divine Resolution

We are all used to conflict in our lives on a frequent or daily basis, whether this is coping with minor occurrences with stressed out strangers or dealing with bigger problems on a professional level. Because we are all living in a heightened stressful environment, where people have become careless, reactionary and indifferent, the overarching consequence is disharmony among relationships, whether experiencing conflict through an unpleasant exchange with a disgruntled cashier or fending off rude drivers on the daily commute. Our own feelings of frustration and anxiety can quickly intensify the more we find we can’t get find services or solutions to problems quickly and professionally (this is not to say there aren’t wonderful people out there doing fantastic jobs in many areas, because there are. They just seem to be fewer in number in many cases).

It is vital when you choose to live an enlightened existence to avoid conflict. It is a waste of time to be drawn into drama; your own or anyone else’s. For emotional individuals it can be very difficult to remain calm amidst chaos. There are many situations nowadays that can quickly escalate our emotions just trying to find good customer or client service. Remaining calm is a character trait well worth developing (God bless all zodiac signs born with this ability) to get what you want. Someone much younger is teaching me this valuable lesson to hopefully last me through my more mature years.

If you have trouble sorting out conflict, it’s worth considering how easily the angels can assist you with resolution. These divine beings can help you resolve any conflict without you so much as having to lift a finger in many cases. When you surrender control of challenges to the divine, miracles can and really do happen. You only need to ask for what you want and let the angels work their magic.

While it is important to know your facts before going into negotiations (settling conflict always requires negotiation), it’s important to remember that as individuals we cannot control others, especially not when reacting with anger. When you feel incapable of dealing with conflict, remember it’s far easier to ask the angels to manage your negotiations, even if this is simply making the matter go away. However, you can ask for and receive bigger things too! Just name it!

A case in point: I had an experience recently that could easily have been stressful and expensive. Rather than react, I listened to my options and suggested to the customer service rep that before I made a decision, I’d need to discuss the situation with a manager. In truth, I didn’t feel I had options (they didn’t know this). The product I needed was essential to purchase but low in stock (if available). A mistake had been made on the original sale and the company wanted to charge me a second time for a newer and more expensive replacement item. I wasn’t sure what to do, so I did nothing except listen to the manager negotiate what he wanted for me with his staff in order to keep me as a valued customer. As such, a deal was on the table that reduced my costs to 1/20th of the original price before I even had a chance to say anything. I quickly accepted the offer with a smile and walked away.

As I have talked about before, because I live my life completely immersed in the world of angels I never think twice about asking for their help. I have found that when we are immersed in the world of the Divine the angels will often assist us before we even ask for what we want. We only have to remember to invite them into our lives on a regular basis.

It’s easy to manifest what you want when you allow the angels to problem-solve for you. When you try to manage conflict on alone, you struggle. Struggle is rooted in ego (drama). Trusting in the divine will make every day feel like Christmas (or whatever holiday you celebrate) and who wouldn’t want that?

My heart to yours,


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