Bringing Balance into your Life

Recently, a couple of wisdoms have been about exploring options and possibilities. This may be crucial for some of you at this point in time, especially if you need to bring more balance into your life. I know I need to. In fact, I have been somewhat preoccupied thinking about what it is I need that will bring stability to my life in all areas at this stage of my journey, which has boiled down to a complete lifestyle change. While I perhaps cannot overhaul my entire world at this moment, I am becoming more conscious of the areas in my life that do need rebalancing to shake out the bumps.

One of the things I have discovered most profoundly in my grief as a bereaved parent has been the constant change I go through as I steadily move forward in my healing. My needs always signal it’s time for a change. The suddenness with which some of them arise seems overwhelming at times and leaves me feeling unprepared to resolve what feels like a major problem. While I always figure things out, it is only by taking a calm approach in looking at all of the options before me that I can start to piece together those things that could bring me the balance I require in the various areas of my life. Anyone coming from trauma, difficult loss and major struggle no doubt can relate to both the occurrence and resurgence of sometimes demanding and surprising needs if they are in touch with their body, mind and soul. Enjoying life balance is important for everyone no matter where imbalance stems from, and rebalancing requires that we always tend to the three main components of who we are (mind, body and soul) with equal attention to manifest optimal living.

It may be that utopia is a state of mind. However, sometimes there are some physical things we must change to ensure that the way in which we are living is in tune with our inner essence. As I look around my current surroundings and contemplate reducing my responsibilities and sense of overwhelm, I accept that maybe it is soon time to move on. However, in contemplating this, I must give up my hold on former dreams (again) and the vision for my future I had so carefully planned. By exchanging the current for something that may be far more appealing in the long run, there comes with this a sense of adventure and possibility. I am reminded that we can’t always know what we have charted for ourselves long before this incarnation began; what in its entirety our destiny holds.

If you feel ready to create more balance in your life, even if your changes do not seem extreme or dramatic, they are equally important because they are your changes! Remember, you don’t have to uproot everything at once. You may want to start by making a slight adjustment to your schedule. A playful approach in thinking about those things that could bring you relief will help you feel less afraid to make the changes you desire. For the bigger ones, be willing to surrender to the unknown. Ask the angels for guidance. Take stock regularly of where you are and where you want to go. Kick start yourself into motion. You do have to take some action, but the Divine will carry you a long way if you demonstrate your willingness to be an active partner in your life.

My heart to yours,


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