Angels Around Us

Recently, I was speaking with someone who asked me what guardian angels were with her. She was desperate to connect with the angels and wanted to know their names and how they were helping her. I was cautious in my reply, because this was not a reading environment, but also because I felt it necessary to tell her that perhaps she didn’t like what the angels were telling her. I hesitate to name guardian angels for others because I believe that the relationship we have to the Divine is very personal. How we see, feel and experience angels, whether these are guardian, archangels or those from a higher realm is purely individual. While the roles and responsibilities of the angels remains universal, they respond to our requests for help in the way we will understand them.

On occasion, I have had the privilege of meeting a client’s guardian angels during a reading and able to describe what I am seeing for them, which is always very beautiful and reflects an aspect of that person’s characteristics and sometimes their more innocent memories. However, what I am able to see does not necessarily mean that is what the client can, which is why I encourage people to explore meditations and techniques available through the many books and resources out there that teach people how to communicate with the angelic realm. (I relate mostly to the interpretation of angels through the work of Doreen Virtue, but there are other authors out there as well who interpret angels slightly differently).

For those who are serious about working with angels, I encourage you to learn the names, roles and colour associations of the archangels you are particularly drawn to work with. In my case, I ended up working with all 15 archangels that patiently made their presence known in my life in a very personal and practical way the more serious I became about working with them. If you want to feel guided by angels in general, it is perfectly fine to simply call them to your side to help you with whatever challenge or question you have. However, it is much more effective to know which angel to call for what type of problem the more at ease you become delving into this world. Remember, it’s not that the angels aren’t present, it’s in the listening to their responses that people have the most difficulty. They don’t trust their ability to tap into this world, which of course is available equally to everyone. I admit, it can be a little more difficult listening to guidance for ourselves than others, but when you are willing to detach from the self, the glory of the Divine can be yours!

To get started, remind yourself that the angels are around you. Experiment a few times with simple requests. For example, if you lose something ask Archangel Zadkiel to help you remember where you placed the lost item or to help you with exams and testing. If you need to make a career decision, ask Archangel Chamuel to help you clarify what it is you want, or guide you to find the right next job. If its conflict in the family, this angel will also help you resolve the conflict. If it’s a form of healing you require, ask Archangel Raphael for assistance. Record your experiences. Above all, don’t feel silly by thinking that what you hear, feel and believe to be angelic intervention is anything but! Angels are real. They are my best friends and they can be your best friends too.

My heart to yours,


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