Ancient Healing for the Modern World

Last week I wrote about coping with anniversaries of our spirit loved ones. As I write this wisdom, I have just come through another, the seventh angel anniversary of my daughter. Every other year she has delivered our family a major sign on or the day before her “date” of transition (of no significance to spirit beings by the way). This year I woke up and did not feel nor had I experienced anything heart-stopping by way of a visit or sign from Janaya. It seemed like an ordinary day in many ways.

I thought about my life and the balance I have achieved so far and decided that perhaps I didn’t need a major sign from my daughter this year to convince me she is with me (I know she is and I am sure she is grateful I have reached this place of peace). Instead, I thought about the invitation I received the day before to speak at an event to celebrate life, and how appropriate the invite came when it did (maybe it was a sign after all from my daughter)?

Focusing on celebrating life rather than healing from pain is a pretty big step in my thinking. While I am not abandoning addressing the many painful issues of grief, I am excited to talk about the possibilities of celebrating life through our sorrow that in my view, are based extensively on the many healing properties we already contain within that we have only to tap into when we decide to become whole. I am certain all healing comes from ancient wisdom that most of us subconsciously understand and are consciously bringing to our lives on a much wider scale now than even 10 or 15 years ago. Popular among them are the energy therapies, yoga, touch therapy, angel and sound therapy, eastern massage and so on.

I am traveling to Greece shortly and amongst my travels, will be visiting sites on Santorini where some writings suggest there may be a connection to Atlantis. Much of the ancient history revolves around healing centers using methods involving crystals, light, energy and music. Staring at the caldera (the basin of water created by the ancient volcanic eruption that formed the island) in my view might be healing enough, but I’m also hoping to tap into that place of “inner knowing” while I’m there that will confirms for me the earth’s natural elements are the major tools we need to cleanse the mind and body utilizing energy from rocks, plants, water and crystals; a healthy and beautiful environment brings calm, peace and tranquility that restores the soul; our faith ignites the inner power that helps us continually connect to the Divine which then ignites the holistic healing process in ways beyond most people’s imagination.

In the past, I have done a few readings for emerging energy healers where I have literally seen colour stream from their fingertips or heard sound emit from tools they are using that I do not recognize in today’s energy work. I am not sure if these visions are from the past or future, but I do know that many people are turning to natural healing methods that likely stem from an innate understanding of ancient methods that then, as now serve to quickly restore balance and tranquility to our lives. I will be sure to share my discoveries in Greece, but for now I encourage you to explore the healing methods of colour, sound, crystals, touch and angelic therapy to aid you on your spiritual journey. 

My heart to yours,


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